Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yes, A Decision Has Been Made!

Hey Everyone,

Well, today was a big day for me. If you read my first post ever, you know that I was struggling to decide whether I should wait to sign with a loyal agent or fish around and use as many agents as I can until one of them gets me my dream job. Well the latter has now seemed like more of a terrible idea the more I think about it for about two big reasons. BIG (yes I capitalized it) REASON #1: Any agent that doesn't suggest I sign with anyone is most likely worried that I am going to sign with a bigger and better agent. BIG REASON #2: Any agent that is worth a damn is obviously going to want me to sign with them because they are not going to do all this work for me without the promise I am going to benefit them in some way, also pointing out that only the weaker and desperate agents are doing all this work for me for free. This lead me to then take my top candidates, who I will not name here for respect reasons, and I wanted to look at players they currently have and where they are playing, who they played for, and what kind of money they make. I also wanted to sign with an agent who had a decent amount of clients but not too many that I won't ever hear from them. Finally, I wanted to feel that they were honest but also confident in my abilities. The closest to having it all fell on one man from 123 Podium Sports by the name of Elliot Kay. He is a law degree holder and also has had many years of experience as an agent. The complete package he offers which includes career planning, financial management, and contract services were more than I have heard from any agent up to this point. On top of that, a player he has worked with Omari Peterkin, gave me a lot of inside information on him and had all good things to say. By the way Omari Peterkin is one of the best players in Bosnia D1 League and averages a double double, also showing me that Elliot signs quality players. Now, the contract sits in front of me and if my lawyer (AKA Kiley's stepdad) says it looks A-OK I will be the next client in 123 Podium's family. Hopefully, it will be a longstanding good relationship and will lead me to great things! That takes a lot of work from me as well. I have been playing basketball more than I ever have before. Practicing on a team for two hours goes by really fast and it is fun to play 5 on 5 drills and work with other people. Shooting alone for 3-5 hours everyday is not as fun as it sounds. I love basketball no doubt, but doing something alone for that long is draining and not easy at all! Then I have to lift for an hour (should be more), and finally I get to go for a jog around the school grounds. This jog is known as the "Buc Lap", I guess because the school mascot is a Buccaneer hence the "Buc" and the lap is for running all the way around the school's property once. Before you say, "holy shit you ran all the way around your whole college campus" please remember that my school is tiny and has about 4 total buildings including the gym. That means a run around the whole school is only about 1.7 miles. This is a short distance for a cross country runner, but it is a haul for a lazy basketball player. I have not made it the whole way running at a quick pace once! When I run it at a slow pace I feel like I can make it but I am running slow because I take my girlfriend Kiley with me and she can't make it! This leads me to having a career number of zero completed "Buc Laps". Well, maybe tomorrow!



  1. I know you'll stay dedicated and do well wherever you decide to play. But being your sister and everything, you better introduce me to all of your tall teammates and send me plane tickets to come see your ass play, and I'm being totally serious

  2. and btw i would kick your ass in a "buc" lap haha

