Sunday, April 19, 2009

Agents, Formals, and Cha Cha

Hey Everyone,

Well, this post was going to come late night last night, but my girlfriend was summoning me to bed and I didn't want to get yelled at! Guys, you know the deal. Anyways, the last couple of days have been really busy. I have continued to contemplate whether or not to sign with an agent and I am leaning towards signing with one now and letting them do all my work, instead of spreading it out. I want someone who is honest and trustworthy. Not to name name's there is a favorite right now, and our talks have gone very well. Of course, with my luck the man who seems the most trustworthy is also the one who is telling me that he expects me to make the least amount of money comparatively with all the other agents I have spoken with. I guess this really proves his honesty, at my expense, but no worries the decision will be made very soon though! This Saturday night was the ZETA sorority formal. Yes, I said formal as in formal dance, dress up and get down. Even though I am a big soon to be pro basketball player (very laughable I know), my girlfriend is a ZETA rabbit and this means I am required to be at this said formal(ity). Anyways, after she got her dress a month in advance I was left with that amount of time to purchase a tie that was the exact color of the dress or be punished by death. I fought with much valor, but her having long hair, long legs and a hairless body pushed her over the top. So, I wait until the day of to go find this tie, and while I am out she is getting her hair done. Well, I visit many stores and finally get the tie I think will match more like pray it will match and I get a call for my girlfriend. She didn't like her hair so she pulled the whole thing out and decided to do it on her own! When girls don't like their hair for these dances you need to beware, because this will lead to a mood that many men don't like to see. Her hair turned out good to me, but what do I know I like her hair in a ponytail, I don't think she was as happy about it as I was. Long story short, I survived the formal and it was actually fun, the food was pretty good, and the music was slowish rap, so I could actually keep up with it (wink wink). On to money talk, I have signed on with Cha Cha your neighborhood search engine to be a guide. I can work as many hours (or as little) as I want and I am going to make a staggering amount of money! Not! Oh well, I may be on my way to making money playing basketball, but I have a summer to survive with no job considering I plan on playing basketball around four hours a day in the summer. I also am making money by advertising on this very page, so don't mind those, I'll take anything I can get for now! Anyways, Cha Cha guides get questions from text messages and I am the person who makes sure the questions are understandable and passes them to the people who have to answer them. This leads me to having to see every kind of question that gets asked and wow people out there are crazy. Every kind of sexual advance has been made on me and every single sex position has been listed, on top of that people don't know how to spell anything! Who spells problem as problim? Yes that has happened 4 times. I don't know what age people are getting cell phones these days, but I figured you would have to be old enough to be able to spell simple words actually a lot of words! Oh well, that is what is going with me right now don't forget to check out my youtube page, thanks!

Nick Kohs(terized)

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