Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thank you! Getting Cut!

Hey Everyone,

First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who is supporting me by looking at this blog! No matter who you are I appreciate it and I post everyday so keep your comments, emails and ideas coming! Also, don't forget to follow the link on the side to my youtube page and see my highlights (By the way there is a new highlight tape coming very soon). I'm excited to say 411 different viewers have viewed this site and there have already been over 1000 views in the first week in existence. I want to take this time to thank all my teammates (past and present), my family (especially Mom and Dad), my coaches, Kiley, and anyone who has supported me (you know who you are). I wouldn't be where I am today without all those people and I'm going to take a flashback today and tell you of a time long ago when I was even skinnier and uncoordinated. 1999-2001. Yes that long ago I was attending Junior High School at Lakota Ridge. I had played some basketball in elementary school and I was taller than most of the kids, but I had not put any real work into basketball yet. I had broken my arm (ok, collarbone) in football and I was an ice hockey player (yes, that is accurate) and wanted to give it up to play a sport that I thought was more appropriate for my body size and build. After recovering from the broken bone, I began going to basketball conditioning. To this day, no basketball workout program was harder. Since everyone thought they were good at basketball in the 7th grade, everyone seemed to be trying out. Actually, 48 players were trying out for the team give or take a couple. This means they were trying to weed the bad seeds out by making us run ourselves to death. We ran long distances, we ran suicides, and we ran an extremely large hill on the side of the school. Torture, cruel and unusual were all words that ran through my mind. When tryouts came everyone seemed very tired, but I pushed through and did ok. I didn't understand a lot about basketball, at least not as much as the really good players, but I had fairly decent passing skills and could make lay-ups. After surviving two cuts, I felt pretty confident that I was going to make the team, as I noticed I was one of about three big men that were still standing. I was wrong, and to save you from some really boring details, I didn't make it. I was upset, but I will give myself the credit that I faced being cut once again the next year, and still did not fold. Finally, I reached high school and I basically would be laughed at for continuing to try out for teams that I wasn't going to make. But, I did make it finally and it was all due to my resilience and my attitude to not give up on something I really wanted. I hope someone can use that as an example of how to achieve what they want out of life and it is true within reason that you can do anything. I continued on after making a team finally, to play for three great schools and now will be paid money to play a sport they once said I couldn't play.

Nick KOHSterized

1 comment:

  1. The strength you showed through these situations can really give people hope in their own dreams. And it shows a part of you that really matters, the conviction within yourself.
