Hey Everyone,
My deepest apologies for going away for so long. If you knew all I had been up to you would understand! Well, probably not I am kind of lazy. When we last spoke I was on my way to play a little pick-up basketball with the KBDL team. That was not so good. It was just a lot of terrible defense and running back and forth. The team we played against in the "open gym" was full of d1 players while my team had mostly d3 players on it. They played defense harder than us, they shot less bad shots than us, yes, we lost every game on the night. I didn't even see the ball because all we did was shoot three pointers and on top of that I knew only one player on the team, barely, and nobody was passing me the ball. I left the open gym not very happy and planned to skip the game on Saturday and be finished with the KBDL after just one short day. But, after convincing and sweet talking from Kiley, and the fact I wanted my dad to be able to see me play again, I decided to give the KBDL one more shot. After working out hard for the whole day Friday and dealing with more Cha Cha problems, I showed up Saturday for a game they told me was at 6 pm. Well, the game was actually at 7 pm and they just say 6 so they actually have all the players show up because they are not all the brightest. I am responsible so I showed up at 5 pm and was shooting by myself for about an hour and a half by myself. That was exciting, especially since we were playing at a middle school that held about 300 fans and the baskets seemed super high! The real coach of the the team wasn't going to be there so I was afraid I wouldn't get to play much since I was the new one on the team joining up after half the season was already done! I was relieved though, when my name was called as a starter. On a side note, I was also relieved that Carl Richburg, who didn't go to practice, was on the team also. He played for Mason and was a great player for them, and also had experience with Southern Indiana and Miami (OH). I knew I would get a lot more looks with him playing. The game was a very quick paced game, something I never did in college but was exactly like my high school team. The crowd was the biggest surprise actually, filing in was around 200 or 250 people, they even had a dance show before the game and at halftime. Anyways, the game was against a team they had just lost to the weekend before without me and Richburg. This game was different, we went at them from the start and I was up to the task of running the court on this day. I got my baskets on dunks from fast breaks and a few post moves, and patrolled the paint on defense better than usual while the guards rained in jumpers and got steals. We finished the game with a 18 point victory, and with all the extra shot attempts I was able to pull down 21 rebounds, along with 16 points and 3 blocks with 3 assists. It wasn't a bad start, but it was still the end of my KBDL career before it really got started, as I had to be in Memphis for Memorial Day weekend. This wasn't the only basketball I played over the break. I also went to my high school and played open gym. Now, usually this open gym is not very strong at all and that is not a lie, it will be filled with high school guys and older men. Not this time. I got lucky enough to play with an array of really good players, including James Dews (Miami (FL)), Cordale Boyd (Concord)(Those 2 were former teammates), CJ Anderson (Xavier), Deonte Vaughn (Cincinnati), Steve Horton (Ball State), Jarelle Redden (North Alabama), Josh Chichester (Louisville-Football) and many other talented players. It was a really good open gym for at least 3 or 4 games. I ran really well with Vaughn and our team won most games after a poor start. I also did well against CJ Anderson as well and even got him to try a little bit. It was a really good experience for me. I am now back in Memphis and just trying to get normal I will let you in on my Memorial Day weekeend with my next post. Sorry again for the delay the next one will be much sooner!
Nicholas Kohsterized
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sleep is Necessary
Hey Everyone,
I am beginning to learn that there is a such thing as getting too tired to function. I have not reached this point all that many times in my life, but I definitely have that strange feeling right now. I have moved stuff countless days in a row and now have finally reached Cincinnati after a drive that seemed to take an eternity and to top that drive off I had so much stuff in my car I had to sit in the worst position possible and my back hurts now. I feel really awake at night but I feel so tired during the day but never have time to take a nap due to my schedule which is much busier than you would think. I need to take care of everything from a normal schedule standpoint plus I have to worry about lifting everyday and shooting or I feel like I am losing the improvements I am making to my game and body. It is stressful at times believe me. Also, I have been doing the Cha Cha, which I explained before is a business that answers any question that you text to 242242, and now the first pay period of my employment end tonight at midnight. Cha Cha has a minimum that you must make to get cut a check, a minimum which I have not met even though I am close to it. Due to my moving and driving, and basketball I have missed out on so many days of doing it lately that now I am sitting here like I have been all day trying to reach the minimum to make sure I get the check and the extra money I need for the month. This means no nap for Nicholas once again. As I am getting closer to reaching this minimum I know I have a basketball commitment tonight. For a little backstory, I come home to Cincinnati most summers and I usually have NOWHERE to play basketball while I am here. Now, suddenly after getting "done" with college I now have an opportunity to get some play in the Kentucky Basketball Developmental League. I know I mentioned this league before and I thought I wouldn't get to play after I balked on going up here last Saturday to save money on driving. There is supposed to be some strong players in the league and I have practice/open gym for the team tonight. I doubt they run plays but we'll see how it goes. My sore arms are going to have to perform whether they want to or not! I will play in a game for it Saturday and see how my skills have been performing. It is a little nervous to play with players you haven't played with before, expecially when I have gotten used to playing with the same guys for 4 straight years. It takes adjusting and there is a lot of it in basketball, it is more complicated than just going out and dribbling and shooting a ball into a hoop. Players get to know each other and their tendencies and they also come to some sort of agreement on who should be shooting the ball and who should be passing the ball along with who should guard the best player on the other team. The best situation for a player is when they should be shooting the ball and guarding the other team's best player (obviously!). After I complete the practice, I will have to rush back and continue my quest to make my check get sent from Cha Cha, if I can do all of that and not pass out I will get back on and post how the practice went! Oh, and if your bored tonight send texts to 242242, and I'll answer them! Cha Cha
Nick 'Cha Cha' Kohsterized
I am beginning to learn that there is a such thing as getting too tired to function. I have not reached this point all that many times in my life, but I definitely have that strange feeling right now. I have moved stuff countless days in a row and now have finally reached Cincinnati after a drive that seemed to take an eternity and to top that drive off I had so much stuff in my car I had to sit in the worst position possible and my back hurts now. I feel really awake at night but I feel so tired during the day but never have time to take a nap due to my schedule which is much busier than you would think. I need to take care of everything from a normal schedule standpoint plus I have to worry about lifting everyday and shooting or I feel like I am losing the improvements I am making to my game and body. It is stressful at times believe me. Also, I have been doing the Cha Cha, which I explained before is a business that answers any question that you text to 242242, and now the first pay period of my employment end tonight at midnight. Cha Cha has a minimum that you must make to get cut a check, a minimum which I have not met even though I am close to it. Due to my moving and driving, and basketball I have missed out on so many days of doing it lately that now I am sitting here like I have been all day trying to reach the minimum to make sure I get the check and the extra money I need for the month. This means no nap for Nicholas once again. As I am getting closer to reaching this minimum I know I have a basketball commitment tonight. For a little backstory, I come home to Cincinnati most summers and I usually have NOWHERE to play basketball while I am here. Now, suddenly after getting "done" with college I now have an opportunity to get some play in the Kentucky Basketball Developmental League. I know I mentioned this league before and I thought I wouldn't get to play after I balked on going up here last Saturday to save money on driving. There is supposed to be some strong players in the league and I have practice/open gym for the team tonight. I doubt they run plays but we'll see how it goes. My sore arms are going to have to perform whether they want to or not! I will play in a game for it Saturday and see how my skills have been performing. It is a little nervous to play with players you haven't played with before, expecially when I have gotten used to playing with the same guys for 4 straight years. It takes adjusting and there is a lot of it in basketball, it is more complicated than just going out and dribbling and shooting a ball into a hoop. Players get to know each other and their tendencies and they also come to some sort of agreement on who should be shooting the ball and who should be passing the ball along with who should guard the best player on the other team. The best situation for a player is when they should be shooting the ball and guarding the other team's best player (obviously!). After I complete the practice, I will have to rush back and continue my quest to make my check get sent from Cha Cha, if I can do all of that and not pass out I will get back on and post how the practice went! Oh, and if your bored tonight send texts to 242242, and I'll answer them! Cha Cha
Nick 'Cha Cha' Kohsterized
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Moving Just Plain Sucks
Hey Everyone,
I have found that when you become a college student you begin a process of moving almost everything you own back and forth from your parent's house to your college dorm or apartment (or house if your spoiled like my Kiley). Well, of course this isn't true for everyone some students live at home while they are in school, some don't live at home in the summers and some might do half and half and still will have to move less. I, on the other hand, decided to go to school out of state and move back and for ALMOST every summer. After my freshman year I didn't get to move home, because I had to take summer school. Well, you would think I wouldn't have to move anything then, but you are wrong. Since I wanted to live there for free they moved me from the dorms to the nice "capstone" apartments for two weeks, then moved me back to the dorm, and then back to the nice apartments. Then at the end of the summer, I moved once again all my stuff into the dorms. That is a lot of moving for one man in 3 months! Every other summer I have moved with my Mom's help and it has been ok because I usually am an ass and bolt on her and let her do most of it. This summer no Mommy to do the work, I have to move all my stuff little by little into Kiley's house (I benefit from her spoiledness I guess) and it is depressing. Not to be moving to where I am, that is exciting, but moving stuff is. Only because I know I will have to move it all again soon. Well, mostly because the stuff gets heavy and it is a pain to pack and unpack over and over. I would really feel for a military family that has kids. Moving schools over and over along with never really getting to feel comfortable with any home knowing you will have to move soon after. I unfortunately am choosing to play basketball for a living for a few years to come and that means I will have to move two times every year. Once to Europe (or whoever takes me) and then back to the States for a half the year there, half the year here situation. I can see this not being a lot of fun, hopefully I will be able to put together enough money to have a place in the U.S. full time so I will have a place to come home to, but that moving just isn't going to be all that.
Nick Kohsterized
I have found that when you become a college student you begin a process of moving almost everything you own back and forth from your parent's house to your college dorm or apartment (or house if your spoiled like my Kiley). Well, of course this isn't true for everyone some students live at home while they are in school, some don't live at home in the summers and some might do half and half and still will have to move less. I, on the other hand, decided to go to school out of state and move back and for ALMOST every summer. After my freshman year I didn't get to move home, because I had to take summer school. Well, you would think I wouldn't have to move anything then, but you are wrong. Since I wanted to live there for free they moved me from the dorms to the nice "capstone" apartments for two weeks, then moved me back to the dorm, and then back to the nice apartments. Then at the end of the summer, I moved once again all my stuff into the dorms. That is a lot of moving for one man in 3 months! Every other summer I have moved with my Mom's help and it has been ok because I usually am an ass and bolt on her and let her do most of it. This summer no Mommy to do the work, I have to move all my stuff little by little into Kiley's house (I benefit from her spoiledness I guess) and it is depressing. Not to be moving to where I am, that is exciting, but moving stuff is. Only because I know I will have to move it all again soon. Well, mostly because the stuff gets heavy and it is a pain to pack and unpack over and over. I would really feel for a military family that has kids. Moving schools over and over along with never really getting to feel comfortable with any home knowing you will have to move soon after. I unfortunately am choosing to play basketball for a living for a few years to come and that means I will have to move two times every year. Once to Europe (or whoever takes me) and then back to the States for a half the year there, half the year here situation. I can see this not being a lot of fun, hopefully I will be able to put together enough money to have a place in the U.S. full time so I will have a place to come home to, but that moving just isn't going to be all that.
Nick Kohsterized
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Long Week Nothing Lost
Hey Everyone,
Well, apologies all around for not posting anything for a few days. It wasn't intentional I have just been so busy! First, I had to move all my stuff out of my apartment and move it into the girlfriend's house for the summer. I have a surprisingly amount of crap for a guy. My movie collection is quite large and since I was foolish and threw away the boxes I brought stuff, I was left moving them in trash bags from the Dollar Store. The Dollar Store is great and all but seriously they don't make very quality stuff. So, I'm moving all of this heavy stuff all weekend and carrying these trash bags in a very awkward way as they are just bulging with DVD's. This has led me to not posting. I also was going to play in the Kentucky Developmental Basketball League, but due to travelling issues I declined to play this last Saturday. I really want to know who all plays in the league and I may go play this coming Saturday and finish out the season. I need to play somewhere, shooting by myself is all good, but you can't ever really know if your improving unless your playing against real competition. I have this problem, it is called I sleep until 12 noon everyday and sometimes people play basketball on the weekends before that, so I continue to miss out on open gym opportunities. At least I am getting a little bigger I can feel it, the supplements are beginning to kick in. And lastly, probably the biggest news of the day is the fact that I got my first real offer for next season. It isn't a ton of money and it is in the ProA league in Germany, but hey, the first offer is of course going to be exciting no matter what it is. I am starting to feel some excitement and just really want to focus on getting all the details figured out. By the way I have been getting a lot of really rude emails and youtube messages, for anyone that doubts that I can play basketball I invite them to come play with me anytime and I promise I will be up for a 1-on-1 game and we'll see if they think I can't play.
Well, apologies all around for not posting anything for a few days. It wasn't intentional I have just been so busy! First, I had to move all my stuff out of my apartment and move it into the girlfriend's house for the summer. I have a surprisingly amount of crap for a guy. My movie collection is quite large and since I was foolish and threw away the boxes I brought stuff, I was left moving them in trash bags from the Dollar Store. The Dollar Store is great and all but seriously they don't make very quality stuff. So, I'm moving all of this heavy stuff all weekend and carrying these trash bags in a very awkward way as they are just bulging with DVD's. This has led me to not posting. I also was going to play in the Kentucky Developmental Basketball League, but due to travelling issues I declined to play this last Saturday. I really want to know who all plays in the league and I may go play this coming Saturday and finish out the season. I need to play somewhere, shooting by myself is all good, but you can't ever really know if your improving unless your playing against real competition. I have this problem, it is called I sleep until 12 noon everyday and sometimes people play basketball on the weekends before that, so I continue to miss out on open gym opportunities. At least I am getting a little bigger I can feel it, the supplements are beginning to kick in. And lastly, probably the biggest news of the day is the fact that I got my first real offer for next season. It isn't a ton of money and it is in the ProA league in Germany, but hey, the first offer is of course going to be exciting no matter what it is. I am starting to feel some excitement and just really want to focus on getting all the details figured out. By the way I have been getting a lot of really rude emails and youtube messages, for anyone that doubts that I can play basketball I invite them to come play with me anytime and I promise I will be up for a 1-on-1 game and we'll see if they think I can't play.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Supplementary Gains in Weight
Hey Everyone,
Ok to answer some questions in case anyone is confused by some posts. YES, I have signed with an agent his name is Elliot Kay, you can visit my profile and his page at http://podium-sport.com/. You can visit my profile at http://podium-sport.com/en/athletes/basketball/m_p_nick_kohs.php. This looks kind of awkward because of the links, but just trying to answer questions I recieve. I am currently working on getting video onto my profile of full games to spread to the world, but it is taking a little longer than I would have hoped. I am also working on lifting and gaining weight. I picked up a workout on basketball-resource.com. It is like nothing I have tried in the past. I usually lift 2 or 3 muscle groups a day and then lift only 3 days a week. With this new workout I am not in the gym for two hours lifting, but only for around 45 minutes. I lift one muscle group a day and lift 5 days a week. This keeps me on a better routine and schedule and also gives each muscle their day to be very extremely sore. I lifted chest the first day which was last Wednesday. Wow, it was definitely the hardest I lifted one muscle group in my life. Even though I was doing exercises I was used to doing, focusing on one group made it easier to go all out and I didn't skip anything to save time. I am due to work the chest out again tomorrow, and if I am still sore I just hope I can rep it out as hard as I did last week. I did start to take supplements again. Not steroids just some basic stuff that a lot of people workout with. I am skeptical of NOx and it hurt my kidneys when I had taken it, but I don't think I was drinking enough water. I am using creatine and whey protein. The water thing is also important with creatine and today is my first day using this supplement. I feel like I have drank half the Atlantic Ocean and I still have 1/5 of a gallon of water staring at me as I type. A gallon of water a day may sound easy to drink, but it is near impossible, on top of that if you had a normal job or had to be in class all day, you seriously would be skipping out at least 6 or 7 times a day to take a piss. Whey protein is a really good deal. You drink a couple scoops of brown powder with 14 or 15 oz. of water or milk (Don't do milk, trust me!) and you suddenly have put down over 50 grams of protein. To really gain weight the right way you need to put down around 1 gram of protein for each pound you weigh. This is not easy at all either. I weigh almost 220 pounds, folks that is a lot of chicken, eggs and these protein drinks. Another issue I forgot to mention with the protein drinks, they taste like ASS (pardon my language) but seriously there is no other word to describe the taste. It smells terrible it goes down funny and gives you an upset stomach withing 10 minutes. With all this water and protein going into my system I just hope I can stay out of the bathroom some of the day, long enough to take a few basketball shots and maybe lift weights which is the point of taking all this crap. Oh what a life!
Ok to answer some questions in case anyone is confused by some posts. YES, I have signed with an agent his name is Elliot Kay, you can visit my profile and his page at http://podium-sport.com/. You can visit my profile at http://podium-sport.com/en/athletes/basketball/m_p_nick_kohs.php. This looks kind of awkward because of the links, but just trying to answer questions I recieve. I am currently working on getting video onto my profile of full games to spread to the world, but it is taking a little longer than I would have hoped. I am also working on lifting and gaining weight. I picked up a workout on basketball-resource.com. It is like nothing I have tried in the past. I usually lift 2 or 3 muscle groups a day and then lift only 3 days a week. With this new workout I am not in the gym for two hours lifting, but only for around 45 minutes. I lift one muscle group a day and lift 5 days a week. This keeps me on a better routine and schedule and also gives each muscle their day to be very extremely sore. I lifted chest the first day which was last Wednesday. Wow, it was definitely the hardest I lifted one muscle group in my life. Even though I was doing exercises I was used to doing, focusing on one group made it easier to go all out and I didn't skip anything to save time. I am due to work the chest out again tomorrow, and if I am still sore I just hope I can rep it out as hard as I did last week. I did start to take supplements again. Not steroids just some basic stuff that a lot of people workout with. I am skeptical of NOx and it hurt my kidneys when I had taken it, but I don't think I was drinking enough water. I am using creatine and whey protein. The water thing is also important with creatine and today is my first day using this supplement. I feel like I have drank half the Atlantic Ocean and I still have 1/5 of a gallon of water staring at me as I type. A gallon of water a day may sound easy to drink, but it is near impossible, on top of that if you had a normal job or had to be in class all day, you seriously would be skipping out at least 6 or 7 times a day to take a piss. Whey protein is a really good deal. You drink a couple scoops of brown powder with 14 or 15 oz. of water or milk (Don't do milk, trust me!) and you suddenly have put down over 50 grams of protein. To really gain weight the right way you need to put down around 1 gram of protein for each pound you weigh. This is not easy at all either. I weigh almost 220 pounds, folks that is a lot of chicken, eggs and these protein drinks. Another issue I forgot to mention with the protein drinks, they taste like ASS (pardon my language) but seriously there is no other word to describe the taste. It smells terrible it goes down funny and gives you an upset stomach withing 10 minutes. With all this water and protein going into my system I just hope I can stay out of the bathroom some of the day, long enough to take a few basketball shots and maybe lift weights which is the point of taking all this crap. Oh what a life!
Facebook (cont.)
Hey Everyone,
I am continuing a blog I started 2 days ago! Yes, I promised the continuation either, but isn't it just like TV, when you really want to know the rest of the story, I just torture you with the waiting! I do my best. Back to what I was saying about Facebook. I use it honestly for a couple people to be able to contact me, I used it to try to connect with basketball players that are already overseas as I used it for agents also. I use it to promote this site, and I'm sure there are a couple of other reasons I have used it in the past, but none I can think of currently. Ok, so I forgot a lot of the hate I wanted to express for that demon, but I do have a little basketball information. Funny as it is, someone wants me to be involved with them basketball wise more than I want to be with them. Yes, you can laugh all you want but this is a true story. A lot of agents talked to me, some I didn't know anything about, some I still don't know a thing about, some I know a lot of about (good or bad), and some I looked up and tried to seek their representation. Among all of this 99% of agents dropped the issue and left me alone the minute they figured out I was either not speaking to them anymore, they read this blog and saw I signed with someone, or just decided they don't like me as a person in general and just said forget him. There is that 1% (aka one man), that doesn't quite get hints. An agent (unnamed) talked to me some in the previous summer, and pretty much gave me a lecture telling me all of these things I needed to do to have a better shot at the pros and to improve my numbers. I did exactly zero of what he said, and did what I wanted and my numbers went up and everything I wanted in my basketball life happened. So, his opinion on what I "need" to do was already not meaning much to me. Next, he calls me this year after my last season and tells me that he is my former teammates agent and got him a good experience overseas and he thinks I should work with him. Ok, he didn't get my former teammate and friend either of his jobs and hasn't done anything for him, so he lied. If he doesn't have two strikes already, he tells me about this job he can get me right now if I am willing to leave school. I say ok, you work this out and we'll make a deal. I swear this man made a deal up in his head, because he didn't call for days and then made up a quick excuse when he finally did call me again. After all these mistakes, he then tells my current teammate who has goals similar to mine that he represents me and he should sign on too. HA HA! This guy really must think we don't talk if he is going to straight up just tell him that I signed with him when I didn't. Now that I have chosen an agent, he is still calling and emailing me, my coaches informed him I have gone in a different direction, but he doesn't sense the end and he isn't giving up. Some people never learn.
I am continuing a blog I started 2 days ago! Yes, I promised the continuation either, but isn't it just like TV, when you really want to know the rest of the story, I just torture you with the waiting! I do my best. Back to what I was saying about Facebook. I use it honestly for a couple people to be able to contact me, I used it to try to connect with basketball players that are already overseas as I used it for agents also. I use it to promote this site, and I'm sure there are a couple of other reasons I have used it in the past, but none I can think of currently. Ok, so I forgot a lot of the hate I wanted to express for that demon, but I do have a little basketball information. Funny as it is, someone wants me to be involved with them basketball wise more than I want to be with them. Yes, you can laugh all you want but this is a true story. A lot of agents talked to me, some I didn't know anything about, some I still don't know a thing about, some I know a lot of about (good or bad), and some I looked up and tried to seek their representation. Among all of this 99% of agents dropped the issue and left me alone the minute they figured out I was either not speaking to them anymore, they read this blog and saw I signed with someone, or just decided they don't like me as a person in general and just said forget him. There is that 1% (aka one man), that doesn't quite get hints. An agent (unnamed) talked to me some in the previous summer, and pretty much gave me a lecture telling me all of these things I needed to do to have a better shot at the pros and to improve my numbers. I did exactly zero of what he said, and did what I wanted and my numbers went up and everything I wanted in my basketball life happened. So, his opinion on what I "need" to do was already not meaning much to me. Next, he calls me this year after my last season and tells me that he is my former teammates agent and got him a good experience overseas and he thinks I should work with him. Ok, he didn't get my former teammate and friend either of his jobs and hasn't done anything for him, so he lied. If he doesn't have two strikes already, he tells me about this job he can get me right now if I am willing to leave school. I say ok, you work this out and we'll make a deal. I swear this man made a deal up in his head, because he didn't call for days and then made up a quick excuse when he finally did call me again. After all these mistakes, he then tells my current teammate who has goals similar to mine that he represents me and he should sign on too. HA HA! This guy really must think we don't talk if he is going to straight up just tell him that I signed with him when I didn't. Now that I have chosen an agent, he is still calling and emailing me, my coaches informed him I have gone in a different direction, but he doesn't sense the end and he isn't giving up. Some people never learn.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Hey Everyone,
Ok, so I titled this Facebook, which may make you think I love Facebook! That is not the case at all though! Facebook is a girl's world, and all everyone knows it. Men, if you sit there and look on every one of your friend's pages, and look at photo albums for more than 20 seconds, then I don't really know what to say to you, except that I am disappointed in your girliness (I don't know if that is a word or if that is how you spell it, but that is how I feel). Seriously, I have a better chance of girl's reading this who don't understand half the shit I say about basketball and agents and stuff, just because I advertise it on Facebook, and girls click on links on Facebook. I get into disagreements about how much of a waste of time it is 24/7. Kiley loves Facebook. She feels sick to her stomach on days she doesn't get on at least 23082038402398 times. My mom loves Facebook, my sister loves Facebook, 90 percent of girls in the computer lab have Facebook on their screens. But, you know who made Facebook up? A man. A man created this monster. I am going to guarantee that guy can get any girl he wants, because he knows how they operate! This will be continued later tonight, because I just got an urgent call! See you all soon...
To Be Continued...
Kohs Nick Terized
Ok, so I titled this Facebook, which may make you think I love Facebook! That is not the case at all though! Facebook is a girl's world, and all everyone knows it. Men, if you sit there and look on every one of your friend's pages, and look at photo albums for more than 20 seconds, then I don't really know what to say to you, except that I am disappointed in your girliness (I don't know if that is a word or if that is how you spell it, but that is how I feel). Seriously, I have a better chance of girl's reading this who don't understand half the shit I say about basketball and agents and stuff, just because I advertise it on Facebook, and girls click on links on Facebook. I get into disagreements about how much of a waste of time it is 24/7. Kiley loves Facebook. She feels sick to her stomach on days she doesn't get on at least 23082038402398 times. My mom loves Facebook, my sister loves Facebook, 90 percent of girls in the computer lab have Facebook on their screens. But, you know who made Facebook up? A man. A man created this monster. I am going to guarantee that guy can get any girl he wants, because he knows how they operate! This will be continued later tonight, because I just got an urgent call! See you all soon...
To Be Continued...
Kohs Nick Terized
Friday, May 1, 2009
Awards in the Mail
Hey Everyone,
Well I got a good surprise in the mail today. I got a HUGE plaque for being NABC All American First Teamer. It probably wouldn't be considered huge to some people but considering what I have gotten for my other achievements in college, it is by far the best and biggest award. I get two actually one for the school and one for me, but I might just keep both for myself! (Laugh) Don't tell anyone I said that though please. The Gulf South Conference doesn't do awards like you would think they do. First, I got Freshman of the Year, and didn't get an award, I may have gotten a piece of paper stating something that I could have printed out on the computer. I thought to myself well maybe Freshman of the Year just isn't a big deal. Then, I got 2nd Team All Conference my sophomore year, this time not even the piece of paper. I said this time, "well, maybe you have to make First Team All Conference." Then, I finally reached a main goal my junior year and was First Team All Conference. What happened? A pat on the back. Once again this year, no awards from the conference. I might sound like a snobby, whiny, little pain in the ass complaining about how many trophies I feel I deserve, but honestly I did earn those things I mentioned, and I am going to have nothing to remember it by, nothing to show my children. In reality, it will be really embarrassing and sad if I have to go pay for some trophies of my own. Ok, well enough ranting on my part, I have been doing some other reading lately. I read an article on Yahoo.com about a walk-on that sits on the end of the bench at Ohio State University. He has his own blog about his view from the bench. We don't necessarily have much in common except for the fact he has a blog, and I have a blog. I play a different level of basketball, and I actually get to play, but we do also live in the same state. A lot of what I just said might not make a ton of sense but long story short, this player, Mark Titus, put his name into the NBA Draft. It is considered a joke because he has zero chance of playing in the NBA (yes, smaller than mine) and he is doing it to expand the viewers in his blog. The NBA doesn't want to be made out to be a joke, so they demanded he pull his name out. Most players would just get to put their name in and they would just be passed over quietly, but this guy has proved himself to have some kind of power or authority if he has done something to make the NBA angry. If the NBA didn't want to be made fun of, and didn't want to make this a big deal they should have just ignored him and not let him get them exactly where he wants them. Anyways, they must have scared him or threatened to take his kneecaps because he did drop his name out, but really they could have avoided this by not trying to avoid it. Some people never learn!
Nick Kdoehzsitre (This is the puzzle of the day)
Well I got a good surprise in the mail today. I got a HUGE plaque for being NABC All American First Teamer. It probably wouldn't be considered huge to some people but considering what I have gotten for my other achievements in college, it is by far the best and biggest award. I get two actually one for the school and one for me, but I might just keep both for myself! (Laugh) Don't tell anyone I said that though please. The Gulf South Conference doesn't do awards like you would think they do. First, I got Freshman of the Year, and didn't get an award, I may have gotten a piece of paper stating something that I could have printed out on the computer. I thought to myself well maybe Freshman of the Year just isn't a big deal. Then, I got 2nd Team All Conference my sophomore year, this time not even the piece of paper. I said this time, "well, maybe you have to make First Team All Conference." Then, I finally reached a main goal my junior year and was First Team All Conference. What happened? A pat on the back. Once again this year, no awards from the conference. I might sound like a snobby, whiny, little pain in the ass complaining about how many trophies I feel I deserve, but honestly I did earn those things I mentioned, and I am going to have nothing to remember it by, nothing to show my children. In reality, it will be really embarrassing and sad if I have to go pay for some trophies of my own. Ok, well enough ranting on my part, I have been doing some other reading lately. I read an article on Yahoo.com about a walk-on that sits on the end of the bench at Ohio State University. He has his own blog about his view from the bench. We don't necessarily have much in common except for the fact he has a blog, and I have a blog. I play a different level of basketball, and I actually get to play, but we do also live in the same state. A lot of what I just said might not make a ton of sense but long story short, this player, Mark Titus, put his name into the NBA Draft. It is considered a joke because he has zero chance of playing in the NBA (yes, smaller than mine) and he is doing it to expand the viewers in his blog. The NBA doesn't want to be made out to be a joke, so they demanded he pull his name out. Most players would just get to put their name in and they would just be passed over quietly, but this guy has proved himself to have some kind of power or authority if he has done something to make the NBA angry. If the NBA didn't want to be made fun of, and didn't want to make this a big deal they should have just ignored him and not let him get them exactly where he wants them. Anyways, they must have scared him or threatened to take his kneecaps because he did drop his name out, but really they could have avoided this by not trying to avoid it. Some people never learn!
Nick Kdoehzsitre (This is the puzzle of the day)
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